Template: CTI Brief
Published Apr 25, 2024
This CTI report template outlines a concise, actionable analysis of cybersecurity threats to inform decision-making.

Template Instructions
Report Date
Insert the date when the report was created. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
Determine the criticality of the information in the report and state it here.
Executive Summary
Provide an overview of the main findings, why they are important, and how they fit into the larger risk landscape. This should be a high-level summary that can stand on its own.
Key Points
List the main points of the report such as who the report is about, what was done, how it was done, and why it is significant.
Detail the key judgments, any changes in TTPs, and the relevance to your organization.
Threat Actor Summary
Outline the key differentiating features of the threat actor, including tactics, techniques, and procedures; infrastructure used; victims targeted; and attribution information.
Timeline of Activity
Create a table to list the activities of the threat actor. Include columns for attribution, start date, end date, location, sector, and activity.